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Booting process of computer with diagram, booting process step by step

Booting process of computer with diagram, booting process  step by step

 booting process  step by step,booting
 booting process  step by step

Booting:-When we Switch On the Computer the  instructions stored
                In ROM Are Automatically Executed. these instruction 
                help the computer to load the operating system (os) from 
                external storage device (hard disk) to internal storage 
                Device (ROM). this Process of loading operating system 
                From Disk to RAM is Booting.

There Are Two Types of Booting:- 

could booting, warm booting

1. Cold Booting:- First Time Computer start 

2. Warm Booting:- Restart (alt+Ctrl+Del)

1) Cold Booting:- When we first Time Start The Computer Then operating  system Start Loading Called Cold Booing.

2) Warm Booting:- Same Time it May happen that your system crosses down because of any reason than you restart the computer thus process is called warm booting or restart.

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